the Blog

Chelsey Corea Chelsey Corea

You Want to Renovate Your Home - Where Do You Start?

Your home is a functional disaster and you’ve been living with it for as long as you could. You want a home sanctuary that you love to be in, which means it’s time for a change, and that means renovating. You’ve jumped over the first hurdle of making the decision to renovate, but now you’ve hit the second one – where do you start?

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Chelsey Corea Chelsey Corea

The Realistic Costs of Renovating Your Home

Renovating a home is a new experience for most, so many individuals don't know what to expect or how much things should cost.

​ A lot of people like to watch HGTV, but unfortunately they have done the home renovation industry a huge disservice in that many individuals now have unrealistic expectations of what a renovation actually costs and how long it takes. Most people go into a renovation project with their budgetary expectations too low.

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